The Money Blog

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041 - How to improve & love your 'recording' voice featuring Samantha Boffin

business coaches entrepreneur online business podcast the sara moseley show Nov 20, 2020

If you've ever shuddered over the sound of your own voice, this is the episode to change all that. Join me and Samantha Boffin who shares some great tips, exercises and professional input to help you get comfortable, confident and love your voice so you can make videos, do live broadcasts and podcast with ease.

Here are two tongue twisters for you to try out below, why not record yourself saying them, post them on social media and tag me, would love to see how you get on with them.

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Tongue Twisters

Why in the world would a whale want water
When a whale wants water, will a well run dry
Why in the world would a wet whale want wet water
Will a wet whale want wet water when a well runs dry
Sister Susie's sewing shirts for soldiers
What skill at sewing shirts my shy young sister Susie shows
Some soldiers send epistles say they'd sooner sleep on thistles
Than the saucy soft short shirts for soldiers sister Susie sews
You can find more about Samantha here:

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