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016 - Online visibility marketing strategies for the introvert with Veronica Pullen

podcast Oct 01, 2019

Take a listen here or read more below:

Veronica Pullen, The Mile-Deep Facebook Marketing Queen, talks to us about how she helps introverted coaches and experts to consistently generate more leads, enquiries and paying clients into their online programs from organic Facebook marketing. Many of the principles can be used on other platforms.

A great way to make an a more quiet manner.


Useful links and things referred to in the episode: 

Episode 13: How to become more visible online

Episode 15: Finding the words to turn strangers into paying customers with Laura Robinson

Introvert or extrovert? Take the 16 personality test (free)


Where you can find more about Veronica


Challenge: (Masterclass link is in the challenge group)

And free Introverts' Guide to Organic Facebook Marketing ebook link is:


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