The Money Blog

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009 - Getting started with online courses

podcast Aug 06, 2019

Take a listen here or read more below.


I take you through everything you need to know to start an online course.

Is it for you? Why you would want to do it to grow your business AND how it can really help your clients

To download my 7 step roadmap and to get an invitation to my free masterclass - Everything you need to know BEFORE you create your first online course, click here

To get started with my free 28 day trial offer with Kajabi click here


Connect with Sara:

1) Facebook - I'll be live 9am Monday and Wednesday.

2) Instagram - Stories every day and IGTV at least every Friday. 

3) LinkedIn - Posting every day.

4) Exclusive content weekly Wise Words on a Wednesday. You can join here.

5) Download my free Course Creation Roadmap - 7 steps to creating your first online course. Sign up here.

6) For a FREE 28 day Kajabi trial and to get my bonuses just sign up here.


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